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GNC Legislative and Constitutional Committee welcomes UN Human Rights Council resolution.

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Tripoli, 29.03.2015(Lana) GNC Legislative and Constitutional Committee welcomed Sunday UN Human Rights Council recent resolution in Geneva which provides for rendering technical assistance and capacity building to improve human rights situation in Libya. In a statement, the GNC committee said it strongly supports article 18 of the resolution in which the council asked the former Human Rights Commissioner to immediately send an investigation mission to probe violations of human rights international law in Libya since 2014. The statement stressed the need that the probe be comprehensive of all violations in all cities and places where such violations took place and to also include suspected places or where reports referred to violations and without exceptions. The GNC legislative committee statement called for opening channels of communications with the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and with the mission to be dispatched whether by institutions or individuals and stockholders who were effected either directly or indirectly by the violations during the period under investigations. It underscored the need to attach importance to the investigation of the victims of air bombardment by internationally banned weapons on cities and critical institutions. GNC Legislative Committee statement urged the GNC and National Salvation Government to offer all means of support and alleviate all difficulties that could face the mission in carrying out its task and provide appropriate climate to it. =Lana=